Sunday, August 1st, 2010, it will begin. Discovery Channel's annual ode to the fish with many teeth: Shark Week. For one week, the network will load it's schedule with new and old programming devoted entirely to sharks - documentaries, educational shows, real-life accounts. I believe Craig Ferguson will even make an appearance somehow.
I don't remember when I started watching Shark Week. Feels like forever. But I'm looking forward to it again this year. Not necessarily because I love sharks. I like them. Jaws is one of my all-time favorite movies. They're fascinating, simply prehistoric. And Air Jaws is just plain awesome.
No, my love of Shark Week can be traced back to my mother. My mom is by no means a violent person. She's not crude or loud. She's really all class with a dash of goofiness. Her soul belongs to the sea. Yet despite all the violence and sea mammals bitten in half, on Sunday morning my mom will be sitting in her chair, in her pajamas with a cup of coffee, watching the Discovery Channel. Her eyes will be wide and her voice will have the same timbre of Christmas morning.
"It's Shark Week," she'll say.
And together we will watch lemon sharks, bull sharks, and tiger sharks. We will see great whites leap into the air in slow motion on our HD TV. It will be amazing. But it will only be as great as my mom's excitement. This is her week. So thank you, Discovery Channel, for giving us this annual tradition.
Happy Shark Week.
(Photo Credit: Discovery Channel)
Great post! Nice pic, perfect length. Love shark week. Can't believe there is no daytime sharking on a Tuesday. But hope your mom enjoys!