The 2010 Emmy Nominations came out today and for once, there are some fresh faces in the categories. My quick thoughts:
Most excited about Chris Colfer and Mike O'Malley. Playing Kurt and Kurt's dad on Glee, they are my favorite characters. I mean, I do not like Wicked, but I'll listen to Kurt's version of Defying Gravity any day of the week. And I just have a soft spot for O'Malley. Not to belittle his performance. He plays the tough-guy, single dad of a gay kid really, really well. But Mike and I go way back, back to the days of d-d-d-do ya have it? Have you watched GUTS recently? It used to be on Nickelodeon's digital cable channel GAS, which is no longer in existance. But O'Malley's extreme energy is certainly worth some kind of award. Agro Crag, baby.
Also excited about True Blood sneaking into the Outstanding Drama Series category. The second season had some brilliant episodes. On a side note, it also got a Best Make-Up w/ Prosthetics nomination for the episode "Scratches."
And I am most certaintly thrilled about the multiple nominations for The Tonight Show with.... Conan O'Brien. That's right, folks. The jilted host makes a strong Emmy nominee while his replacement didn't even get a mention. Whether Conan will win or not is a tough call. He's in the same category as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, both of whom have had really creative seasons. But who knows? Maybe the voters want to stick it to the networks and vote for the guy they kicked out.
My usual darling, The Office, had an off-year. However, it still snagged a nomination for show and for Steve Carell. Steve has yet to win and I don't think this is his year. He'll have to wait for next year, which if it will be his last, will let the voters give him the "last chance, why the hell not" win. The episode "Niagra" got a writing nod, which I think is fitting. I really enoyed that episode. Thought it was true to the characters, funny, and heartfelt. Awww.
Great to see all the Modern Family nominees. Hope they get some wins.
Did anybody see the Nonfiction series nominations? This is where you'll find The Deadliest Catch and Life. Also, America: The Story of Us. I'm sorry. I did not like that series. I watched it up until the last episode. It focused on strange facts and skimmed over imporant events... not a fan of the Michael Bay-ish visuals and commentary by random celebrities. I hope the Deadliest Catch wins every award it's nominated for.
I'm not commenting on Reality or Competition Series. Not worth it.
Emmy snubs? Hard for me to say. At the very least, Alexander Skarsgard deserved a nomination. Nelsan Ellis would have been nice, too. Maybe some more Community attention - Joel McHale, perhaps, and even Chevy Chase.
Emmy noms gone wrong? Look, I love Tony Shalhoub. Loved him in Wings, in Men in Black, and in Monk. But he wins every damn time. It's almost not fair at this point. Supporting Actress in a Comedy - Kristen Wiig... WHY??? I don't get why people think this woman is funny. She's not. She plays every character the same. Ana Gasteyer could show her thing or two.
That's about it. For the first time since I don't know when, I'm very excited to watch the Emmys (on Auguest 29th, NBC - oh, even sweeter if Conan wins). The great nominees will keep me entertainted since Jimmy Fallon probably won't.
PS - Betty White must win. The writing for that epsidoe of SNL should not, but Queen Betty must win. Do you hear me, people? Must win.
(Image Credit: NBC)
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